The Results Of All Your Advice


Mostly New Member
Jun 3, 2015
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I just want to say thank you to everyone for all your advice on setting up our new tank. I have attached a photo of the finished result with first stocking of fish today. 6 Glowlight Tetra and 6 Black Neon Tetra. This is the first time I have posted a photo so I hope you can all see it
sorry ... there's no photo :(
Well I don't think my upload of the photo worked because I can't see it so I have just posted a video on my YouTube Channel if anyone would like to see our new aquarium. If you search for MrsSmith195 on YouTube you can view it. Thanks peeps
Hello Akasha72, I don't think it worked so I have posted a video on YouTube for everyone to see...... MrsSmith195
do you have photobucket? If you do all you need to do is click on 'direct' on the right hand side of photobucket and it'll say 'copied' then come here and click on icon 11 above  (if you hover the mouse it'll say 'image') and right click, select 'paste' and the image should pop up. Then it's just a case of clicking on 'post'
The other option to add from your pc is to click on 'more reply options' below and click 'choose file' which will open the files on your pc. Click on the image you want and add it. Then click 'attach this file' and wait for it to upload and then click on 'post'
Both should work if the file is small enough. Adding direct from you pc depends on the image size - you may have to resize it (don't ask me how to do that cos I don't know). I prefer adding via photobucket cos it's so much easier!
I don't have photobucket I'm afraid nor a PC, I've taken the photos and videos on my tablet. I've just tried to upload again but its saying the photo is too large and I don't know how to downsize on my tablet hence the video posted on YouTube. I'm not really good with technology
no me either. I hate technology... computer usually says 'no' on a daily basis! Sorry, I can't help you more than I have. Maybe someone with a bit more technological mind might be along to be more help than me :/
Thank you, I'm going to see if I can figure out how to downsize the photo. I've even tried to upload from my phone but its still too big somehow

Thank you Ch4rlie, I did it on the google link you said. Hope this works and you can all see it now
I'm not a fan of ornaments but tank is looking great. WHats the plant bottom right? looks really nice
Looks good mate, do you know what plant is on the driftwood on the left? Looks real nice. :)
Thank you, both plants on bogwood are Java Fern an plant in far right corner is artificial until we can replace it with an Anubias plant.

I do have a problem with my Java Fern if anyone can help please. When we bought them on Friday they were very healthy. Delivered into the store that morning. But last night we noticed that they were getting small holes in the leaves and turning brown and the tips on some of the leaves are turning black. This was the same on all of the plants at the store were we bought them. We did ask about this and was told it was due to their lights being too strong. We are feeding them on Tropic Growth Plant Premium Fertiliser at the recommended dosage. Our light is a Sun-Glo 20 Watt T8 fluorescent bulb.
They were good healthy with out a mark on them when we bought them and we would really like to save them.

Has anyone got any suggestions please?
Sorry its Tropica Plant Growth Premium Fertiliser we are feeding them on
java fern is very easy to keep and so what you are might be seeing is just bruising from transportation. You could remove the damaged leaves if there arn't too many of them. It will bounce back fairly quickly. It could also be down to lack of food at the lfs and so it will take time to take up the ferts you are using and start producing new green leaves.
If you look at the underside of the fern leaves you'll possibly see brown fur type stuff. This is normal. Java fern reproduces by sending a new leaf, with it's roots, from the tip of an existing leaf. You can allow the new leaf to grow a little and carefully break it off and use this to start a new plant, or you can just leave it be - the roots will attach themselves to your wood and just keep the plant expanding.
Hopefully that makes sense
Yes we have got the brown fur stuff on them both. On one of the plants I've noticed new growth on it. Is our 20 watt sun-glo light too strong as my husband has found an 18 watt bulb on the internet. Which one would be best for the plants?

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