The Buenos Aires Tetra

10 Tanks

Fish Herder
Apr 11, 2022
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Hello TFF. Are you looking for a good looking, hardy, energetic and inexpensive fish as the focal point of your next or even your current fish tank? Then, look no further than the Buenos Aires Tetra. Found in Argentina and the name meaning "Fair Winds", this is one of the larger Tetras and is such fun to watch. They're often overlooked in the LFS, as not being as pretty as the much smaller Neon and possibly a little on the aggressive side around smaller fish, but don't buy into those stories. They are pretty and their energy is often mistaken for aggression. I keep them with other Tetras like the "Skirts" and "Red Eyes" and even Guppies. They're fine with all of them. The Buenos Aires is really more interested in keeping up with others of their species and exploring their surroundings. I do keep them in larger tanks at least 50 to 55 gallons and keep the tanks well planted just in case they have a disagreement or get a tiny bit feisty with the neighbors.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I really like the Buenos Aires Tetra, i had planned to have a good sized group in my South american tank but ended up having black skirts due to the Aires being a tad to small at the time. I do regret not waiting tho as they had some decent sized ones when i next visited.

I have Colombian tetras in my Central setup which i love. Their colour and the way they school is fantastic to watch. These led me to wanting the Buenos Aires as they look like they school in a similar way🙂
They get a little large for a lot of set ups, at close to 3 inches, and they got a bad reputation that lingers in the old days when tanks were small, and all active fish became nippers because they were kept cooped up in small groups. If your tank is large enough for a group of 3 inch fish, they are great.

My favourite thing about them is their temperature needs - they are fine at 64f/17c, which makes them a great choice for energy cost aware tanks. I think as time goes on and costs rise, fish like this are going to become more important.
Hello. Good points. I have them in unheated tanks. I keep my place at 72 degrees in the Winter and 77 in the Summer with no problems. Small tanks under 30 gallons are no place for this larger species of Tetras. I have them in tanks no smaller than 52 gallons. After a while, once these fish are convinced they're not threatened, they'll swim off on their own. This species is long lived, up to 5 years with good care that includes removing and replacing at least half their water weekly.

10 Tanks (Now 11)

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