Fish Fanatic
This is simply something I wanted to share with people. Its my little happy thing in my tough life, and its a very unique living situation for one of my little fry. Still debating its name. This is a story of the little guppy that lived, and a very confused snake haha
Oh, and an introduction to my snake. This is a confirmed Male Royal Pastel Ball Python. He is 3 1/2 ft long and is very active. And his cage is a 20 gallon fish tank turned terrarium. It is kept humid and at around 80F.
So, this starts with me cleaning out my nursery tank with 2 week old fry. There were 3 left, the rest I hadn't been home for their birth so they were eaten. Anyway, I had just poured out some dirty water when I realized my snake Gizmo's bowl was low, so I just mindlessly poured new water in, using what had been holding the dirty water. Well, I hadn't realized a baby fish was in said water. I noticed one of the little guys was missing but I figured it was just hiding. So about a week later, so now the fry is 3 weeks old, I see him in the water bowl:
And I am so excited, the little guy had been missing a week. But there it was, alive and happy. So I fed it, and decided it would be nice for Gizmo to have a little friend in his cage, even if it was in his waterbowl. The way I see it, snakes live in the wild with little fish in the water they drink, let him have a little bit of that joy in his life right? Plus owning so many live bearers, I get a lot of fry so even if it gets splashed out or swallowed its ok. Now it is about 4 days later, and I moved things around so now this is the little guppy's new home (Its hiding in its new shady spot under the wood):
And Gizmo's new arrangement (Pardon my mess):
Now I understand this is not the guppy's "Perfect" Or "Ideal" Living situation, especially considering I have a well working, in use nursery tank not 5 feet from the cage. But I feel that this is such a unique and really a cool thing, that its ok. The fish gets what it needs, warmth (Cage is kept at 80F) it gets fed, and has a shady spot to hide. And when it out grows this in my opinion (Uncomfortable for the fish) It will be put in a real tank again. (Meaning please no comments about how this is cruel to the fish, it really isnt. If the fish seemed to have a problem with this, I really would have just put it back. But it is happy) Plus this is more natural in my opinion than my tanks in terms of room mates and general look and feel. I will continue to post pictures and updates periodically so you all know how this goes

So, this starts with me cleaning out my nursery tank with 2 week old fry. There were 3 left, the rest I hadn't been home for their birth so they were eaten. Anyway, I had just poured out some dirty water when I realized my snake Gizmo's bowl was low, so I just mindlessly poured new water in, using what had been holding the dirty water. Well, I hadn't realized a baby fish was in said water. I noticed one of the little guys was missing but I figured it was just hiding. So about a week later, so now the fry is 3 weeks old, I see him in the water bowl: