Tetras With Fungal Spots


New Member
Feb 24, 2013
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My neon tetras have white cotton wool like colonies on them. Looks like columnaris but is all over their bodies, not just the mouth. Have been reading about it but I can't find whether it would be all over them.
It's not just flat patches they stand proud and look like mini cotton wool balls.
I don't have a hospital tank or any other kind of tank. Should I take out the tera's and euthanise them? They all look like they have ot but none of my other fish seem affected, then what should I do about treating the tank?
I am in the UK, what should I buy. 
Thankyou in advance, having a mare here.
By the way, my tank was properly cycled, levels have not fluctuated. May have introduced something because a friend dumped a fish on me that they wanted to get rid of (synodontis), also got back after 2 week hol in which obviously no water changes
To me this can mean Columnaris (but that's a very "aggresive" disease), but more likely you're having the same problems with neons and cardinals lots of people have since some time. Can't get it clear, but I suspect it could be lymphocystis caused by a (Irido)virus. If it's that, it's not treatable and not necessary lethal. At another forum someone replied that her neons had this for years.
I could be wrong, so keep a good eye on your fish. When it's getting worse, other fish are affected aso think you've to take action.
keastclan said:
My neon tetras have white cotton wool like colonies on them. Looks like columnaris but is all over their bodies, not just the mouth. Have been reading about it but I can't find whether it would be all over them.
It's not just flat patches they stand proud and look like mini cotton wool balls.
I don't have a hospital tank or any other kind of tank. Should I take out the tera's and euthanise them? They all look like they have ot but none of my other fish seem affected, then what should I do about treating the tank?
I am in the UK, what should I buy. 
Thankyou in advance, having a mare here.
By the way, my tank was properly cycled, levels have not fluctuated. May have introduced something because a friend dumped a fish on me that they wanted to get rid of (synodontis), also got back after 2 week hol in which obviously no water changes
Sounds like a fungal infection. Is there a tint of grey to the cotton wool and is it growing quickly? Fungal problems usually have these qualities.
If it is indeed a fungal infection the best product for treating this is Waterlife Protozin.
have treated the last 3 days with ESHA 2000, not sure if it's my imagination but the fluffy bits have got a little smaller, the fish are still well in themselves and eating/swimming ok. Going to do a water change in a min and will just keep an eye on things. Really want to get some more tetras, but don't want to introduce them to the tank if there is a possibility of infecting them with anything

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