Not having a good week, my OCD keeps spiking. On Monday I cleaned the tank, 10l change out of about 45l (used about 10ml Nutrafin Aqua Plus in the replacement water on the Sunday, and left it standing for 24 hours). I also added in ~12.5ml-15ml on the Monday evening right after the change to destress the fish. However, today I added another 10ml in after adding new plants because I was worried about any residual chlorine on my arm and hand (I wash thoroughly in cold water and dry thoroughly prior to putting my hands in the tank), and then I started worrying that I've overdosed the fish and something bad is going to happen. I always use dechlorinator on replacement water and leave it for 24 hours, and I've adopted the practice of adding dechlorinator when finishing a water change so the fish aren't over-stressed. Do I need to worry about my action today, or will they be fine? I only use Nutrafin Aqua Plus, and haven't the faintest how long it remains in the water column.