Tankmates For Female Betta.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2012
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I bought,cycled,decorated, and prepared my 5 gallon Fluval Chi for a female betta I saw at Walmart (about 2 weeks after I was done cycling my tank).She was near death in a small plastic cup, and was suffering from fin rot and a fungus infection.Now, 2 weeks later, she is fully cured and re-growing her tail.Since the tank looks lonely, I was wondering what other fish can I add with my female betta.I can not move her into any other tank, due to the fact that I only own large angelfish tanks.Soon I'll post pictures!!!!
I have corys & shrimp with my females.
Your tank is small, so maybe just a few shrimp, or a couple of endlers
Sure the betta wouldn't eat the shrimp???? Could you put two platies in there possibly? Endlers seem to be my first choice so far.
After some research my choices are: Neon tetra, ADF (I would still want other fish with my ADF),and endlers. Your advice on which one to choose????
After some research my choices are: Neon tetra, ADF (I would still want other fish with my ADF),and endlers. Your advice on which one to choose????

I wouldn't put neons in such a small tank, and I have heard ADFs can be hard to feed. I have two male endlers with my male betta and they all get along very well. Beautiful little fish!
male endlers would be good. You can try a small school of microrasboras, but that's really pushing it. I have ghost shrimp with my betta, he doesn't pay any mind to them.
I would do the Endlers 2 of them, and 1 ADF. AdF's really arent that bad to feed. Its BEST if they get live or frozen bloodworms if you have access to them thatd be EXCELLENT. They can live off of Frog bites or Shrimp pellets also, just test some brands before you get him, find a brand that breaks apart in the water super fast so when he swallows it, it'l digest easier and wont cause blockages
I would do 3 male endlers, shrimp or a snail. ADF's aren't always the best of tankmates from what I've heard (though I have read both sides of the argument). Snails shouldn't be much of an issue though I personally wouldn't have more than one as they do reproduce very easily. Shrimp may become snacks - some bettas are fine with them, some aren't. I'm aware that a few members on here keep endlers with their bettas in similar tank sizes so hopefully they should be fine.
I have two female bettas and one male who share their space with neon tetras. They don't mind them and enjoy their company!
I have two female bettas and one male who share their space with neon tetras. They don't mind them and enjoy their company!

It is in general, NOT good practice keeping male and female Bettas together outside of a breeding attempt. Curious as to how large your tank is and how long u have had them together? A 5 gallon tank such as the poster is Asking about, would surely be too small for such an experiment? :unsure:

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