Tankmate suggestions


New Member
Jan 30, 2016
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Hi there. My 20g aquarium is currently home to 5 zebra danios and 6 corys (5 panda, 1 peppered).

I am wondering what might make some good tank mates for these fish? I thought it might be great to have a school of neon tetras, but would they get in the danios way? I was also planning on getting a snail .Any ideas are appreciated!
These fish are more temperate than most fish, they need to be kept at about 22-23c. Neons like to be a little warmer than that, around 24-25c.

Depending on the length of the tank you could probably get some Rosy Barbs, Cherry Barbs, or some Platies?

Could you post these details so we can help you better:
1. pH
2. dH
3. Length of tank
4. Temperature of water

Also it would be useful to know if the tank is planted or not.
These fish are more temperate than most fish, they need to be kept at about 22-23c. Neons like to be a little warmer than that, around 24-25c.

Depending on the length of the tank you could probably get some Rosy Barbs, Cherry Barbs, or some Platies?

Could you post these details so we can help you better:
1. pH
2. dH
3. Length of tank
4. Temperature of water

Also it would be useful to know if the tank is planted or not.

The PH is 7.0
The tank length is 24" long
Water temp is around 24c
I'm sorry I don't know what DH is.

I have java ferns, Anubis, African water fern (I think) and cryptocorne.

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I'm sorry I don't know what DH is.

dH is one of the ways of saying hardness. Is your water soft or hard? To find the exact number, look at your water supplier's website, it should be on there somewhere. We need both the number and the unit (water companies have several they can use)
dH is one of the ways of saying hardness. Is your water soft or hard? To find the exact number, look at your water supplier's website, it should be on there somewhere. We need both the number and the unit (water companies have several they can use)

From the city website:
The Hamilton potable water is considered to be "medium" hard. The water hardness value is about 120 mg/L calcium carbonate or about 8.4 grains per imperial gallon.

When I do the test in my tank I have a GH of 120 and KH of slightly over 80.

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That is quite good for GH and KH. The 120 mg/l (= ppm) is roughly 6 dGH. Avoid any fish requiring moderate hard water (like all livebearers) and stay with primarily soft water species (like those you have) and you should be OK.

Neons would be OK here, get a group of 8-10. They are sedate fish by comparison to the danios, and while I would not usually recommend danios for this small a tank (length is the issue as they are active swimmers) you already have them and they should be OK.

I would leave the temp at 24C. Neons, unlike their close cousins the cardinal and false neon, are cooler water fish.
Thank you! I really appreciate your response. I will look into the neons and let the temperature rest.

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