I have had my tank over a year now and there is constantly an ammonia level. I vacuum the gravel and squeeze the filter in a jug of tank water once or twice when I do a water change. I used to do water changes once a week but in the last about 6 months or so I have been changing the every month or 2. The reason why I stopped changing the water as often is because my tap water has ammonia in it. When I do change the water I always use dechlorinater and a product that has microorganisms in it to get rid of ammonia. My tap water also stinks like bleach lately so it must have loads of chlorine in it.
Why is there ammonia in my tank all the time, it is 48 litre tank with live plants, driftwood, and has 3 small fish and (as of Wednesday) 2 bamboo shrimp?
Why is there ammonia in my tank all the time, it is 48 litre tank with live plants, driftwood, and has 3 small fish and (as of Wednesday) 2 bamboo shrimp?