Tank Population Query


New Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Hi All,
I am new to the forum and am in the hope of some advise.
I currently own a rio 125 tank (33 gallon), and feel the time has come to add something a bit extra to give it some new character.  
I do however have a slight concern regarding over crowding, and was hoping for some suggestions / advise from this forum.
The tank currently houses 4 Congo terra (2 male & 2 female), all around 7cm, 2 small honey Guramis, 1 Bristlenose catfish, 7 Bandit Cory's (was originally two but have bred), 1 Albino Cory, 5 Cardinal terra &  4 Mollies.
I have had most of these fish now for 6+ years so the tank is pretty well established, but still looks quite spacious, so was considering adding something additional with some character.
My thoughts so far were along the lines of a Red tail black shark, Clown coach, Simese Fighter but would really appreciate some suggestions as I am limited in my species knowledge and struggling with research.
Appreciate any feedback.
Best Regards
If you rehome the mollies and the albino cory, you could finish off both schools of tetras. The mollies are taking up a fair bit of space, and the albino cory would need more of its own species to make a school. So if you get rid of these five fish, you can have more congo tetras and more cardinals.
Congos should be in a 4ft+ tank due to their size and level of activity.
sawickib said:
Congos should be in a 4ft+ tank due to their size and level of activity.
Then listen to saw, rehome the congos and build up your cardinal school. I don't know much about congos, admittedly.
Thanks for the feedback, didn't realise that about the Congo 's - feel a bit bad for them now!!
This sounds like the best option for me, I will re home the Congo 's and build up my Cardinal school to around ten.
I still would like to add something new with some real character to finish the tank off and give the population a sort of focal point, any suggestions?
Well I think you'd be pretty stocked. You could add a colony of red cherry shrimp or some snails. I actually love watching my snails. They're very interesting. Rabbit snails and mystery snails are both attractive and full of personality. Shrimp are funny to watch, particularly if you get a big bossy female.
Thanks for taking the time to post, I have never kept either shrimp or snails but like the idea of adding a few shrimp maybe?
Do you think I could risk over crowding if (after the Congo's are re homed) I added 2-3 cardinals & either a male Betta or shark?
The betta would be at a great risk for stress and any of the shark species will outgrow this tank. Many of them require schools, as well. The problem with the betta is that there is a good chance the betta would be aggressive towards the other fish or the cardinals would be nippy towards the betta. Also it's not a good idea to have bettas with other anabantoids such as the honey gourami because they both compete for space in the top layer and can be fairly territorial. 
You can also check on Seriously Fish (seriouslyfish.com) for info on tank size, best school size, and tank mates, to get a good idea of what goes with what, water parameters and such.  I found the site really helpful when I was developing my plan for my new 50 gallon in Feb.

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