Mostly New Member
Hello, So I am new to keeping aquariums, and I wanted a second opinion on my tank. So for the details, I have a 29 gallon freshwater, with all levels looking great. Whisper 40 filter, pH is about 6.4-6.6, Nitrate, Nitrate, Ammonia all at 0, and I have 3 live plants and several fake plants. I did a fish-less cycle, and then slowly added my fish where the tank has been "fully stocked" for about 4 weeks now. So here is my question, I have in my tank (all juveniles) 3 Anglefish, 2 Dwarf Gourami's, 7 tiger barbs (3 tiger striped, and 4 green), and a Plecostomus. Everyone seems very happy and content together, there is some chasing but no issues with fin nipping or big aggressive moves or anything like that. Actually they seems to really have a great tank "personality/community" going for them. Now I know that by full grown measurements that the tank is slightly overcrowded, however, I wanted to know if I stay very ontop of my maintenance, water changes (one or two a week at about 20-25%), and stress additives/conditioners, can I keep everyone in the 29 gallon, or is this only going to end badly? Also if I absolutely have to move them into a bigger tank seeing that I don't want to give any away, how long do I have until I HAVE to switch them, and what size should I go to?