Tank Mates For Last Surviving Female Betta


New Member
Aug 13, 2012
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Hi folks. I have a 100l mixed tropical tank that has ended up being a bit of a mish mash of the left overs of other tanks that I have since shut down as the beasties got old and died off. over 3 years ago I bred some crown tail Bettas and oddly all of the offspring turned out to be female so I set up the 100L as a sorority tank. We have one last surviving female (she is huge and spends 99% of her time sleeping on top of a heater near the surface).

Other waifs and strays in the tank include bristlenose plec,corydoras and 1 lone harlequin rasbora that snuck in the bag with another fish I bought years ago and we didn't notice until we got it home. According to the tank stocking calculator we could have 36 inches of fish, we currently have about 24 (everyone in there is fully grown and several years old). The tank is heavily planted and full of bog wood so everyone has plenty of hiding places. The tank is over filtered, well established and has excellent water parameters.

So given all that info do you think it would be safe to add a couple of live bearers into the mix? The mid water is very dull with the 1 lonely harlequin swimming in it and as I have no intention of buying more harlequins I think we may give him to a local pet shop. I was thinking perhaps guppies but I know people have mixed opinions on mixing guppies and female bettas. Given the tank set up do you think it would be feasible? Many thank in advance for any replies.
Platies would probably be a safer idea as they are not nippers like guppies. I suggest one male and two females to get you started. They swim around the tank, are fairly big and come in beautiful colour variants (I got sunset, fire red, blue, green, Mickey Mouse).

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