Tank Mates For Dwarf Gourami.


Fish Herder
Jun 11, 2013
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Hi guys,
Can anyone recommend a good tank mate(s) for my 2 male DG? I have 5 Cory and 6 Amano as well, if that helps. 
I thought perhaps one of the larger Tetra might be OK with them. I'm looking for a shoaling type, peaceful, of course, and not too complicated to care for since I am still a beginner!
Any suggestions at all would be awesome, thanks!
 although they prefer bottom dwellers there can be with GBR s , guppies , but DGs should not compete for the top level of your aquarium so its best to get middle and bottom feeders that are peaceful and the same speed as the gourami.
Cheers for the advice, ncguppy. I settled for 6 head and tail light tetras - there was a good selection from very small to quite large so I went for the larger ones for safety. DGs don't seem fussed at all, which is great!

All I had were bottom dwellers with my 2 DGs so I am very pleased these guys are getting on well despite one of the dwarfs being that little bit more territorial.
I have 2 male dwarf gouramis and they seem to go pretty well with danios, I have 1 zebra danio and 1 leopard danio and they don't seem to interact much and just mind their own business.
Interesting that you say danios as I really like a shoal of Celestial Pearl Danios aka Galaxy rasbora...it would be nice to think they could get along!
Be carful mind though as you may get the odd one (danio) that will peck at the dwarf gouramis, but along as the gouramis are healthy they will stand up for them selves and all should be fine !

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