Tank Mate Recommendations


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Had a few old age losses recently, some Rummy's and my last Molly.

Can anyone recommend some good tank mates for Angelfish and Festive Cichlids?

They're currently homed with Cory's and a plec. All cohabiting peacefully too I may add.

Thanks in advance.
Note - tank is 250L.
Any medium or large middle dwelling community fish would do well. Several species of Rainbowfish comes to mind such as melanotaenia praecox, Nigrans or pygmaeus.
Also some of the larger tetras or barbs would work.
Might help with more suggestions if you can provide the water hardness /softness and pH etc.
Dimensions of your tank may also prove useful.
barbs and angels is a bad idea ... the sedate angels fins will be easy prey for some of the barb species. The majority of barbs have a reputation for being dreadful fin nippers and I've seen with my own eyes the damage they can cause as my Dad has kept barbs now for a while. I wouldn't recommend barbs with angels or with cories either.
I would recommend some of the larger tetra's and some of the deeper bodied tetra's too. I keep emperor tetra's with my angels and they are fine - too big to be eaten thankfully. Be wary of some of the tetra's too as some can also be nippy (the main one that springs to mind is the black widow tetra, I looked at those but they are notorious nippers so I ditched the idea) but if you do your research you should be fine.
I also keep harlequin rasbora's with my angels. I was worried they might be small enough to be food but my angels are leaving them be - but I do have two very well behaved angels!
If you are looking at emperor tetra's look at the Kerri type and not the palmeri type. Both are usually labelled as emperors but the kerri are much more peaceful than the palmeri. I have both and the palmeri's can be quite bossy. They also don't shoal where-as the kerri type do.
As Ch4rlie said though it's always good to stock for your water type so it's worth knowing whether it's soft or hard when looking at stocking
I agree, we need to know the tank dimensions and the water parameters; also, how many angelfish and festives do you have.  But in general, as Akasha said, barbs are not good tankmates for angelfish; aside from the possible nipping, there is the active swimming of barbs that is not at all compatible with sedate angelfish.  The quieter and disk-shaped tetra are usually fine.

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