I've got about a quarter of the water drained, all the plants out, all the gravel out, I'm putting in new pebble rock (cleaned), and i don't want to proceed in set up untill i get all they little critters out.
they do exactly what it says ...er ... on the shell?
They kill pest snails but it takes a long time... quicker to keep squashing IMO
You could put a piece of lettuce leaf in the tank overnight. In the morning lift it out and there should be quite a few snails on it and you can just chuck it away
okay, put some warm water in a bucket with some salt and chuck the plants in and soak em for about 20 minutes. Rinse really well and put them back. It's not fool proof but I've heard it kills snail eggs
they are hard to get rid of once you have in infestation. My lfs now has assasin snails in their plant tank thankfully so I've not had any for a while.
Try the soaking thing with the plants and just squash the ones that reappear.. it'll take a bit but you'll get there
No, it's a snail that eats other snails. They're much more attractive than 'pest snails' and they breed much more slowly, so you're not just swapping one infestation for another! They're readily available in most shops and online
No it is a snail in its own right. Use a search engine for assassin snail and you will see what these folks are talking about.
The snails enjoy killing off other snails.
Unfortunately snails are an evil that come with live plants every time. Assassin snails could work. You can also get some treatments to deal with snails although I've never tested any out myself. If the worst comes to the worst, scoop them off with a net and make sure you wipe the glass to get rid of egg pockets. Good luck.
One thing you should know about assassin snails ... they can only eat the bigger ones. Their proboscis has to be able to get inside the shell, so you might see little ones around because they only go for the big ones. They get the job done, though. Wouldn't trade mine for anything. Well, maybe some cool fish.