Tank Capacity


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
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I have a Jewel Rekord 800 tank with tropical fish, and have enjoyed watching this for the last few years. 
Last year was a bit stressful as our home was flooded and we ended up with the tank being moved to the garage for 6 months while the house was sorted out again. 
I had problems since moving back home as the flood started to sag and ended up moving the tank all over again, and since then I have lost around 5-6 fish.
Things are now stable again and I am thinking of getting new fish to compensate for those lost
My question is this:-
How many fish can I have in this 120 litre tank without over filling it. This morning I was told that I could have around 70 small fish in it which came as quite a shock?
 I don't intend buying that many anyway but this seemed a vast amount for one aquarium of this size
My main reason for asking these question are that I have a brain disease, which is why I started this hobby and do not want to make a mess of things as I get so much pleasure from the hobby
I would like to hear you comments please
Depends on your definition of "small" I suppose

There are two "rules" of aquarium stocking, neither of which are all that reliable, you have the inch per US gallon, and you have the cm per litre rule. These rules don't apply to a lot of fish (you can't for instance have a 10" Oscar in a 10gallon tank). But these are reasonable rules for "standard" small fish to make a judgement.
Your best bet is probably to post up what is left in the tank, and what you'd like to go in it, and we can say what works, what doesn't and perhaps some alternatives you hadn't thought of.
I have
8 Platies
I Ruby Finned Shark
1 Loach
1 Botia
I Corry Catfish
3 Danio's
4 Tiger Barbs
Danios I would bump up to 6 atleast as they are happy in bigger groups, also Corys prefer shoals of 4-6+
That stocking needs some work.  You have quite a few shoalers in much too small a group.
8 Platies - fine.
I Ruby Finned Shark - fine alone.
1 Loach - what type of loach?  Most need to be in groups of at least 3, but generally more.
1 Botia - social fish, requires a group...
I Corry Catfish - specific species is important here, but they need to be kept in groups...
3 Danio's - bigger groups are required.
4 Tiger Barbs - can be quite nippy without sufficient numbers in the group.
That's a HUGE number, if all properly bumped to proper shoal size for a 30 US gallon tank.
Sorry I have tried to find the correct names etc
8 Platies, Various sizes due to breeding
I  Ruby Finned Shark
1 Loach looks very similar to the Botia, but is Orange coloured from nose to tail. The paperwork was lost in our flood so I am unsure of its correct name
1 Botia
1 peppered Cory Cat Fish
3 Danios original fish but starting to look old and tired
4 Tiger Barbs
I hope this helps
Pics would make IDs easier. ;)
the danios ideally need to be in a group of at least 6 or seven so that they are happier and more social

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