I have decided to build a background for my tank, and decided it's going to be tiles, to fake a submerged wall.
It's going to be very light to white in colour.
I haven't decided yet, but I might stick strands of moss between the tiles.
Problem is I don't want chemicals leaching in the water, especially anything that may raise the hardness.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to choose the tile material?
I know no marble or travertine, but what else?
Terracotta? (nice, but a bit dark)
Granite? (not sure I like it as a background, though)
Quartz? (same as granite)
I know the vinegar test, but I can't go to B&Q and start dribbling vinegar on their tiles, can I?
Any ideas?
It's going to be very light to white in colour.
I haven't decided yet, but I might stick strands of moss between the tiles.
Problem is I don't want chemicals leaching in the water, especially anything that may raise the hardness.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to choose the tile material?
I know no marble or travertine, but what else?
Terracotta? (nice, but a bit dark)
Granite? (not sure I like it as a background, though)
Quartz? (same as granite)
I know the vinegar test, but I can't go to B&Q and start dribbling vinegar on their tiles, can I?
Any ideas?