Tank Advice Pleas


New Member
Jan 24, 2014
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Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums :)
I have a 40l filtered aquarium which until recently housed a big goldfish (he was rehomed to the botanic garden's pond- never again!) leaving me with a lovely aquarium. I'm in a position I've never been in before- I can choose what I want to put into a tank.
I wanted to keep the tank as a temperate tank and had my heart set on a betta fish- they have such great personalities but further reading suggests they're happier with a heater. I do have a heater for the tank but didn't want to get back into the problems I had with tropical before.
Does anyone know of any wee personalities like the betta that would be happy in a temperate tank? Or am I better just going for it with the heater?
Sorry for the long post
I feel your choices are widened a LOT if you just invest in a small heater. You can keep simple, easy to care for fish like bettas or guppies, or you can go for colorful schooling fish such as neons.
Agreed. Slap that heater in there and get you a betta! Lol.
make sure you cycle the tank before getting any fish.
you can make it into a planted tank, with shrimp, neons/cloud tetra and a beta if you choose. the temperament of each beta will vary. some will be fine, do their own thing.. then others will chase and kill everything in site.
This may sound yuck but I've kept the tank running as it is- the water parameters are perfect at the moment and the filter is biologically 'dug in'
I know I'll need to do a clean out of the tank but it seems a shame to wreck it all :) 
That's what I did with my five gallon that is now my betta's home. It had been running for about 6+ months with fish in it. And they got moved to the 55. And I cleaned it out and kept it running with the same filter media.
Sparklesnail said:
This may sound yuck but I've kept the tank running as it is- the water parameters are perfect at the moment and the filter is biologically 'dug in'
I know I'll need to do a clean out of the tank but it seems a shame to wreck it all :)
As long as you don't wait too long to put something in, you'll be fine!

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