Seal36 said:
Yes I do have a problem keeping the water in tank 2 and rather than moving the filter up I have aimed the spray bar up at the top so that it ripples the surface with the filter being slightly lower.
1. 90 litres
2. Super fish aqua 100 200l/h flow
3. Media from old tank and the media from the new filter with carbon in the middle of the new media.
4. It's a 100w super fish heater
5. Stocking is pair of kribensis and 7 rummy nose tetra
Decent size tank, wouldn't say it's overstocked
Your filter is too underpowered for your tank, as a general rule, you want to be able to turn over the water in your tank ideally 10x an hour, but 7-9 will do, in a 90 litre tank, 200 L/h isnt enough, to give you some idea
I run a 95 litre tank, i use an external canister at 700 litres an hour and a HOB at 2-300 ish Litres an hour, that gives me about 900 l/h in total, meaning i turn my tank over just under 10x per hour in theory. That flow might seem a lot, but when seen up close, it isnt. 200 litres an hour would be suitable for a tank more like 30 litres, 40 at the very most.
As far as media goes, you're okay on that.
if you're looking for something with a spraybar, try an Elite JETFLO 150, it's 480 l/h i think, which means it'll take it just over 2h to circulate 10x. It has a spraybar, a huge media space and a good pressure on the pump. just under 5x an hour is borderline acceptable
if a sppraybar isnt all that important, i'd go for wither a Fluval 3+ or a U3, both being 6-700 l/h, depending on your budget, and mount it close to the surface.
If you dont want an internal, i suggest going for an external with an output of, at the very least, 600l/h
in any case, 200 l/h isnt really enough for a 90 litre tank
I know that on the box, it probably said 50-100 litres, but even 50 litres on a 200 l/h would be pushing it IMO