Tanganyikan Set Up For A Newbie


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2011
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kingswinford,west midlands
After months of consideration I have decided to set up a Tang tank, a 200 ltr fluval roma,I intend to move my shellies from their 10 gal set up(adults ,sub adults and fry) to the new set up but have no idea what else to put in ,my LFS today had some neolmprologus tretocephalus,which I liked, also some julies ,any suggestions from anyone out there as what to stock the tank with I am a complete newbie as far as Tangs are concerned so any ideas?
The trets are too big and nasty for that size tank, the best bet to mix with the shellies would be J. transcriptus. They're the smallest and least aggressive of the Julies. You could also do a single or pair of Calvus or comp's.
don't put two comps in, either put one in or 6-8. If there's just two and they're not already paired up the sub-dominant one will end up being harrased to death. Julies and altolamps tend to inhabit the same area of the tank so maybe only room for one or the other in that size tank.

If you stick to one species per "type", ie one species of shellie, one julie, one altolamp etc, they should get on ok. Would only put 3 species of cichlid in that tank max, and maybe add some dwarf synodontis catfish.

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