I have a 30 gal (36X12X18) that has sand substrate and is a mix of live and fake plants.
In it there are:
Two Dalmatian Molly's
2 Platy's
3 Guppy's
3 Panda cory's
I was wondering what type of Gourami people would suggest? I was planning a few more platy's and a few more Corys to even out the numbers as well as a group of schooling fish (I was thinking about 6-8 either tetra's or Danios)
I was thinking either a Dwarf Gourami (Though I hear they eat shrimp)or a Honey Gourami if I could find one.
My local Pet shop typically fine mostly blue and opaline Gourami, would either of them be okay and not to aggressive?
In it there are:
Two Dalmatian Molly's
2 Platy's
3 Guppy's
3 Panda cory's
I was wondering what type of Gourami people would suggest? I was planning a few more platy's and a few more Corys to even out the numbers as well as a group of schooling fish (I was thinking about 6-8 either tetra's or Danios)
I was thinking either a Dwarf Gourami (Though I hear they eat shrimp)or a Honey Gourami if I could find one.
My local Pet shop typically fine mostly blue and opaline Gourami, would either of them be okay and not to aggressive?