Suggestions For 15 Gal ?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
Newark ,Ohio
I was thinking about  some glass cats and maybe a hillstream loach since I'll be moving into the 30 in month or 2 . I've got fancy guppies too so anything that'll work with them is great if not they'll stay in the 15. I'd like another bottom fedder , but am worried it will fight loach for food and something else mid to high range in tank . Thanks.
Okay. What's the current stocking if the 15? Glass catfish need a 30g. Loaches need a 30g also.
Hillstream loaches don't need a 30gallon.
Ideally they like a lot of current, and cooler water, but in my experience, they're pretty adaptable little fellers.
Currently just guppies , but plan to move to 30 in few months . But if glass cats get too big for 15 how many can I put in the 30 I know the are a schooling fish. And they are probably only temps anyway want them for the 75 but want them to gain some size so my sun cat doesint eat them.
love the zebra otto pics but how hard are they to find, and I'm moving to 30 in a few days so yall can name anything thatll live in that and be fine with the guppys.

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