Substrate For 2ft


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2010
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hey guys, sorry for alot of post over the past few days but my 2ft is almost here, and i just have a couple more question left.

1. How thick should i have the gravel in my tank? is there any required depth or is it just whatever you like?

2. And if you have any substrate suggestion feel free

thank guys
If you're keeping any Corys or Loaches sand is preferable to gravel. You can get nice aquarium sand or many people (like me) use play sand (I got mine from Argos). £2.99 for a 15kg bag and that should be plenty for your tank.


Danny B
Sand looks better and gives you a wider choice of fish, so I would always go with that. Black sand can look really good, and you can get it from your LFS.
I agree with the sand. Depth isn't that important, unless you have plants or fish that like to bury. Then you will need approximately 2-3".
Playsand from argos, absolute bargain! :good:
Change of plans guys fee more questions
1. Does sand effect your ph at all??
2. Is sand hard to maintain?? ( do i still need to gravel vac)
3. Can u run interals with sand after it settles?

Thanks guys dependinng on the answer to these question im thinking about a few cories and a school of neons or other..

Thanks guys
Change of plans guys a few more questions
1. Does sand effect your ph at all??
2. Is sand hard to maintain?? ( do i still need to gravel vac)
3. Can u run interals with sand after it settles?

Thanks guys dependinng on the answer to these question im thinking about a few cories and a school of neons or other..

Thanks guys
Some sand, like coral sand, will affect pH, but playsand and silica sand are inert.

Sand isn't hard to maintain. You'll still need to hoover it, but you only suck the stuff off the top. You won't need to dig into it with your gravel cleaner like you would with gravel.

All sand needs washing to get the lighter particles and dust out of it; once that is done properly (and when you think it's clean, wash it again, at least twice!) it will, at most, give your tank a slight haze for a maybe a day, but that'll be all; it's all about the washing before you put it in the tank, really.

Quite safe to use with an internal filter, as long as that isn't so close to the sand that it sucks it up.

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