

Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2013
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Hey everyone! I have found little info if Acipenser ruthenus is legal in Illinois. If you don't know, this is a sturgeon. Also one additional question,
can I leave them out in a Chicago winter? that might be way to cold but, goldfish can survive so I'm not sure. I would be keeping them along with some native large sunfish in a huge swimming pool. Could I use the same filter for my fish? It would be the one the pool comes with.
Thank you!
I am not sure about the legality of keeping sturgeon (Sterlet) in any state of America, I do know in some places they are heavily protected. Your best bet would probably be to contact your local fisheries and game department for information on what is legal fish/pet wise and what isn't.
Sturgeon are a cold water fish, however in the confines of any enclosure a fish has less chance of finding their ideal temp range like they could in the wild and there will be more fluxuation . True a large pool will have less than a 20L tank but it will still be there. And from what I have read sturgeon will semi hibernate over winter in deep holes in rivers where the water temp may stay more stable throughout the coldest of winter.
Sturgeon are also bottom feeders and grub about in mud looking for their food, which can be a rather varied diet. In a pool with no substrate a sturgeon could easily do damage to the soft underside of its head, especially around it mouth, snout and whiskers.
My computer is naff and wont download this PDF but it should be the "Illinois Fishing Information on the "Illinois Department of Natural Resources" or something like that.
I am assuming if you want to keep Sturgeon... if they are available in shops, you are allowed, if not then I assume you would either be planning to catch or buy from someone who has caught them and in which case the above link would probably cover it.
That said, I would be hesitant.. if unsure, play safe because there are some really strict regulations on Sturgeon in a lot of states and they certainly don't seem to hold back on the punishments!
Obviously though, I am not in the US so don't really know or understand the legislation.
The species you name isn't on the list of endangered species, though Acipenser fulvicens (sp) is.
Scrap that.... found the list of prohibited aquatic species and your Sturgeon Species is on it (near the bottom). So that will be a no, they are illegal to keep (and me not knowing my states in America... lol the harsh punishments I mentioned were actually in Illinois). Not worth the risk.
(google is your friend ;) )
MBOU said:
Scrap that.... found the list of prohibited aquatic species and your Sturgeon Species is on it (near the bottom). So that will be a no, they are illegal to keep (and me not knowing my states in America... lol the harsh punishments I mentioned were actually in Illinois). Not worth the risk.
(google is your friend ;) )
What do the X's mean on that page

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