Striped Dora Breathing Strange


Jan 8, 2012
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my stripes dora is brithing really fast and dose not want to eat he is normally hidden away in his tube but he is just sat in the corner and breathing really fast

is he ill or is it normal

hope some one can help

jack :)
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the fish look pale or darker in colour?
Is the fish leaning to one side when resting?
Does the fish look bloated, or thin?
Do the gills look red and inflamed, pale gills with excess slime?
Does the fish dart around the dart, or signs of erratic swimming, turning up side down?
Can the fish maintain balance in the water?
Is the fish acting listless, and lethargic?
Any signs of red streaking of the fins, or body?
Any signs of your fish flicking and rubbing on objects in the tank?
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?

Sorry for all the questions.
the tank is 180l
tank mates are
2 keyhole cichlids
7 corys
2 angelfish
7 red eye tetra
1 bn
1 betta
dont now about water stats

not any of those things just breathing reaaly fast
Immediate water change.

Also I would strongly suggest investing in some liquid test kits.

Is the betta a male.

If so I would maybe think about putting him in a tank of his own.
ok i will do the water changes now thanks
why dose the batta need its own tank
I've never kept betta fish so don't know a great deal about them. I don't think they should be kept with angel fish.

If the fish carries on heavy breathing after the water change, don't hesitate getting back to your thread.
i looked at him this morrning and he looked a bit better but is still brithing to fast :)
Take a sample of your tank water to the LFS for testing. Ask them if they would kindly write the results down for you.

Is the fish still not showing any other symptoms apart from the heavy breathing?
How are the other fish in the tank?

I would preform another water change. It's hard to pin point what wrong with the fish. The first thing we have to rule out is bad water quality.
all the other fish are acting fine i hope he is ok :)
OK. That good to hear.

Do amother water change for now.
It could be anything from bad water quality, bacterial, parasites.
Have you noticed him going to the toilet. If so what does his waste look like.
Make sure he doesn't look bloated. Swelling of tummy, or eyes.
Darker in colour, or pale.
Ok I have done a water change but he has got worse he is now breathing at the top of the tank and swimming on his side at points pls help me save him I don't want him to die :-(
Bless Him. It not sounding to good for him I'm afraid.
Does he look bloated?
Is he just heavy breathing at the top of the tank, or gasping?
Any changes in his appearance? Looking pale, darker in colour, etc?
Is his gills pale, purple, red and inflamed.
Is he turning up side down?
When did you preform the water change.
He died this morning he looked a loot thiner than he normally dose
Really up set he died :sad:
Bless Him.
Sorry for your loss. :rip:

Had he stopped eating?

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