Stressed, Listless Bolivian Ram

Can you please tidy your post up as it unreadable.
Sorry about that, not sure what went wrong
Tank =180L

Nitrate=40? (40 out of tap, lots of plants)
Volume and Frequency of water changes: weekly 25%
Rummynose & silvertip tetras,T.Hengli, otos, Amanos

Symptoms sum it up really.
Dark colouring,listless, sitting on the bottom not eating.No obvious sign of illness
No change to routine or new additions.
Did large water change yesterday after symptons appeared.
Size of tank in gallons or litres?
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the fish look pale or darker in colour.?
Is the fish leaning to oneside when resting?
Is the fish still eating.
Does the fish look bloated, or thin?
Any red sores, or red streaking on body, fins?
Is the fish acting listless and lethargic?
Hows the fish breathing. Is it laboured?
Can the fish maintain balance when it does swim?
Does the fish turn upside down?

Sorry. You had replyed before I had finished my post.

It sounds like a bacterial infection.
Can you isolate the sick fish.
The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease.

My first med of choice is furanol 2 by JBL. But it wipes the good bacteria out in your filter. So best to isolate if you only have one sick fish on your hands.

Internal bacteria med by interpet. But only good on very mild bacteria infections. You can dose the whole tank with this med. As it doesn't affect your good bacteria in your filter.
Isolated, and had some of the interpet to hand.
Thanks for the advise.
Unsure where this has suddenly come from.
Good Luck.

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