Strange substance


New Member
Jan 24, 2003
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I've noticed a rather strange substance starting to appear in my tank.

It looks like rust!! It started off on a rock which I added to the tank a few weeks ago but now I've noticed it on the heater and some of the plants next to the rock as well.

Anyone any ideas??!!

Should I remove the rock on which the growth started and clean the heater and plants etc or just leave things as they are?

Thanks :)
Sounds like brown algae to me, how much lighting do u have on the tank and how long are they on for each day ?
I have a 24x12x12 with a 100w light which is on for around 10 hours a day.

Should I reduce this? Is the algae harmful to the fish?

Thanks :)
I have the same thing in my tank. I just cleaned the gravel but its still on the plants and rocks. Any word on if its harmful, or will a few catfish clean it up fine?
Its probably just some algae and not harmful to your fish.
How long has the tank been set up?

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