Fish Crazy
i dont know if this is normal, ive never seen him do it before and ive had him around 4 months, i was just looking in my tank and saw my platy sort of rubbing itself on the filter, he has been doing it on the heater aswell, i then saw my other platy do it.there doesnt seem to be any wrong with anyone i have sat for 20 mins watching and checking everyone out.
in my tank i have 3 male platys, 6 neon tetras and 1 apple snail, i did a water change yesterday, all levels are normal, nitrates are about 40-80, cant seem to keep them down this was straight after a water change, my tap water alone is nearly 40, i always treat the water, the tank is 80-90L, temp 24C ish.
video of his behaviour:
in my tank i have 3 male platys, 6 neon tetras and 1 apple snail, i did a water change yesterday, all levels are normal, nitrates are about 40-80, cant seem to keep them down this was straight after a water change, my tap water alone is nearly 40, i always treat the water, the tank is 80-90L, temp 24C ish.
video of his behaviour: