Strange Happening With Cichlids


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
I am a bit stuck as to which section to put this as the Cichlids in question belong to 2 different types.

I have a community tank and among the community I have 3 x German Blue Rams (there was 5 but 2 Died a while ago), plus I have 2 x Kribensis.

The male Krib is starting to mature a bit and this morning I noticed a female Ram curling her body and following him around, there was no aggression from her and it looked like she was trying to attract him for want of a better word.
He carried on with his business but she definitely was showing an interest, the other 2 Rams look like they are male but she seems more interested in the Krib.

I know what people say about cross breeding and I know it is wrong but I have nowhere else to put one of them in another tank plus could this be really happening or is it my imagination?
She could be 'flirting' with him, it's certainly possible, but rams and kribs won't hybridise, they're not closely related enough for that to happen.

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