Strange Guppy Behavoiur


Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2012
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My guppy, who is one of four, has started to act strangely. He has become bloated(we thought it was a female for a little while because it becoming increasingly fat) and is isolating himself behind my filter. Any ideas what could be wrong with him? What should i do to help him?
Can you get a pic? Could be that it is a female & hiding because it's about to drop
How long have you had it?

Guppies these days, depending on where you get them from, seem to be very sickly weak things, I can't get a year out of any I have, I've given up.
Its deinatly a male and we have had him for about a month to a month and a half. He sits in the corner at the top of the tank and the others keep going over to him. should we put him in an isloation tank(breeding tank) or should we leave him alone and see.
Cant view that, try saving the picture and uploading it to photobucket or similar.
This could possibly be a symptom of Swim Bladder Infection which is usually caused by over feeding. My recommendation towards treating this would be along the lins of introducing a dose Of Epsom salt at around 1 teaspoon per gallon

- Bloating
- eradicated swimming
- floating towards the surface of the water
- trouble swimming up
- seems to be doing "rolls"

Treating this usually non fatal illness will be very easy to do. Usually a dose of aquarium salt, something along the lines of 1 teaspoon per 3 gallons for tetras, and 1 teaspoon per gallon for more salt tolerant fish such as Bettas. Typically after 1-2 Epsom salt treatments it will go away. Ideally during this treatment time you would also want to offer peas, and daphnia to the fish as this will also help

This illness is usually caused by incorrect feeding with diets that have little or no nutritional value, or over feeding. Or incorrectly feeding more than the needed periods in the day to feed, like feeding very often

This illness is easily prevented by going along the lines of not over feeding, providing a varied diet with many good foods, and avoiding feeding lots of low nutritional value foods
it won't let me put it on here. He is a pure orange guppy and about 3cm in length. He had a big bulge that looks like he is constipated but i tried frozen peas to see if that helps and no luck. What else could i do?
Try searching pictures, and videos of guppies with Swim Bladder Problems to see if it matches your symptoms then ideally you would want to purchase epsom salt and treat with the recommended dose of 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon if you have salt tolerant fish and not tetras, catfish, etc.
are guppies salt tolerant or non-salt tolerant?

i have 2 neon tetras, 4 black tetras, 2 cory catfish and 4 guppies. are these all ok with the treatment?
can you post a picture of a guppy with swim bladder so i can see if it looks like my one?

should i take him out and put him in a hatchery? would it be less stressful for him to stay in the main tank?
It would ideally be less stressful to place him in a smaller tank of around 6x6 so due to lowered inactivity levels, he will not be very stressed at all in a smaller tank.

Here are some pictures
I only have a breeding hatchery. would he be ok in there? it floats in my main aquarium. The other guppies seem to be staying with hm and are looking after him. he doesn't seem bothered by them at all. Should i still move him?
Breeding traps are stressful, if he's not bothering anyone and no one is bothering him, just leave him in the tank.

By the way there are other fish in your tank who do not tolerate salt so please don't try that unless you isolate him.

I'll be honest, I'll be surprised if he lasts much longer. There's no miracle cure for a bloated stomach, it could be something other than constipation, without a photo it's hard to tell.

Why can you post it on photobucket? Save the Facebook photo on your computer then upload it to photobucket and either embed it or copy the URL on to here.

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