Strange "gunk" In Diffuser


Fish Crazy
Aug 20, 2011
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
I have my own DIY CO2 setup that I have been using for a while now for my plants in the tank. About a week or two ago I noticed that my diffuser had some weird "gunk" on it. I don't really know how to describe it....when I scrubbed it off, a "fluffy" white series of clumps came off the diffuser and floated into the tank. It seems to be happening continuously now, and I have no idea what it is. I don't believe it is algae, especially because I have a UV sterilizer. But this is so odd, I have no idea where it's coming from, but it's reducing my CO2 output and killing my plants! :( Anyone know what this is and how to get rid of it?
If its a diy co2 its probably the co2 solution leaking to the tank and that will give you problems.
I used a diy yeast based co2 system in the past and it was commom for that happen. You can put a bottle of water connected after the bottle with the solution this way the water will act like a filter before the co2 reaches the tank and all the gunk will be trapped in it.
KirkyArcher said:
If it's a white slimy gunk, and is it mainly on the suction cups?
It's not slimy, it's actually a weird, translucent film that extends out of the diffuser rather than the suction cup
Aquamaniac said:
If its a diy co2 its probably the co2 solution leaking to the tank and that will give you problems.
I used a diy yeast based co2 system in the past and it was commom for that happen. You can put a bottle of water connected after the bottle with the solution this way the water will act like a filter before the co2 reaches the tank and all the gunk will be trapped in it.
Thanks again - I actually looked into this, and extended my CO2 lining (I am going to work on the filter this weekend). I thought the extended tubing would help prevent a lot of the possible yeast-water from getting in the diffuser, AND I washed the diffuser so there was no more "gunk" left. I don't seen any water going into the tubing past the check valve, but now I see this!:


All of my plants are dead as a result. Please help :(
Like I said before your yeast solution is leaking to the tank.
You need to fix that diy system or take it of completely.
Clean up the tank and remove the gunk. Do a big water change for now and some water changes in the next days untill its completely clear.
If you want co2 and that DIY is not working why not try the liquid.I used easycarbo before, sure as hell won't match a pressurized system but will definitely give less problems than that faulty DIY.
Anyway if you to try the yeast again make sure that you have two bottles,one for the yeast solution followed by a second before your co2 line reaches the tank. This second one full of water will act like a filter and trap all that gunk.
Also make sure that the diy system is not at a higher level than the tank , gravity makes it easier for the solutions to leak to the tank.

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