

Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2011
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Just wondering everyones opinion on the final stock, its a 55 gallon, i'd say moderately planted.

1 Angel
3 Bolivian Rams
2 Apistogrammas
10 Golden Barbs
15 Neon Tetra
1 Bristlenose plec

The main question is whether or not the apistogramas would be okay, and if possible if I could get an even larger amount of neons/barbs. Thanks!
I'd swap the Neon Tetras for Cardinals, which do better at midrange tropical temps that you would need for Bolivian Rams and Angelfish, plus they are a bit chunkier and are not a natural "live lunch" that Angelfish readily eat in the wild.

What species are you calling "Golden Barbs"? Very ambiguous common name, which includes the inappropriate, sub-tropical water loving Puntius semifasciolatus.

What are the tank dimensions? Gallons do not translate to the same volume across the "big pond,"
I'm not to keen on switching out my neons, they seem to be thriving, and are rather chunky, I'll see how that plays out in the long run, if any do become a snack, I've got a spare 10 I could keep them in.

Yes, Puntius semifascilatus. The tank is at 76-77 F, which according to online sources, is the higher range for their temps, but mid-range for Bolivians. In the months I've had them, I've only seen healthy behavior, with wonderful coloring on both the barbs, and the Bolivians.

The tank is 48 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 18 inches high. :)
To answer your questions, it would depend on the apistos, some are really sensitive, and i wouldnt personally get any more barbs, when I upgraded my tank, it came with 6 gold barbs and when fully grown they are pretty big and fast

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