Stocking Suggestions


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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I was just gone for 2 weeks and I had nobody to do my water changes so I lost most of my fish. :( I only have 6 tg and 2 Mickey Mouse platys left and they don't look like they're going to make it. So now I need some stocking suggestions for my 30 gallon. I want to go with peaceful fish this time. Thanks!
If you have some tigers left, they will be a nightmare in a small group, they'll be chasing after everything, so you have 2 options:-
1) Get more tigers, like Mr Tree suggested.
2) Rehome the tigers, and get something nice and sweet and innocent like Harlequin Rasboras, or Lemon Tetras, or Emperor Tetras.
Get moar!!! Moar tigers! To prevent them from nipping your other fish
Yeah sorry! I meant tiger barbs. :p and I was thinking of rehoming the tiger barbs.
az9 said:
Yeah sorry! I meant tiger barbs. :p and I was thinking of rehoming the tiger barbs.

Oh, this makes your stocking much better to work with.
I'd get some larger tetras and some cories and maybe a dwarf cichlid or 2. :)
Okay! That sounds great! I wanted to get some corys and I have a blue ram in a 10 gal that needs to be moved so I could put him in the 30 and get another ram. And do you think I could get some gouramis too?
I think that if you got
8 tetras
8 cories
2 rams
3 gouramis
Your tank would be finished. :)
Be sure to get only honey/ dwarf/ sparkling gouramis. :D
Ok! That sounds great! Thanks!
What kind of tetras do you think would look best? I've only ever had bleeding heart tetras and those got more expensive at my lfs.
I really love flame tetras. They're awesome. Definitely go for the larger type like flame tetras cos they're more outgoing and playful in my experience.
Other ones include black widows, diamond, lemon or emperors to name a few. :)
I really love flame tetras. They're awesome. Definitely go for the larger type like flame tetras cos they're more outgoing and playful in my experience.
Other ones include black widows, diamond, lemon or emperors to name a few. :)

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