Stocking Suggestions?

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Mar 1, 2011
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Hello all!

What do you guys think? I have a 40 gallon that will be empty soon, and i want cichlids. No angelfish please, i just had my 7 year old one die, and am not ready for another.

This is what i was thinking

1 Convict Cichlid
1 Firemouth
1 Keyhole Cichlid
1 Earth Eater?
Dont know what else.

Hello all!

What do you guys think? I have a 40 gallon that will be empty soon, and i want cichlids. No angelfish please, i just had my 7 year old one die, and am not ready for another.

This is what i was thinking

1 Convict Cichlid
1 Firemouth
1 Keyhole Cichlid
1 Earth Eater?
Dont know what else.


I'd say a definate no to the eartheater. They get huge
Okay, no Eartheater.

On another note, the cichlids have to be compatible with rummynose tetras and Harlequin rasboras.
I've never kept convicts but they are very aggressive . I have a firemouth and he is a very aggressive teritorial fish so I can imagine you having big problems between the convict and firemouth. I cant see the convicts or firemouth bothering your other fish as they tend to only go for their own ( other cichlids) keyholes are very placid fish and like to live in groups
Id like to have the firemouth but the convict isnt required. So this is what i have so far

1 Firemouth
4 Kehole cichlids
4 Harlequins
3 Rummynose tetras
rummy nose tetras and harlequin rasboras will stand no chance up against the likes of convicts and geos.

the firemouth can be a pest at times and may cause the keyholes into hididng as they are quite a timid fish in comparison.

if you must keep the tetras and harlequins then get more as they will be much more confident in a bigger group especially with cichlids about.

instead of keyholes maybe look at rainbow cichlids, they are much more tougher and outgoing and will stand up to the firemouth a bit more.
Thanks, ill trynto convince my dad to get rid ofmthe harlequins and tetras. I will look into rainbows, thanks.
Keyholes are rather shy little things. My two guys actually get beat by my bolivian rams in my 75 gallon, they'd get mutilated with firemouths or convicts.

Firemouths also are given a rather good reputation in terms of their temperament, but in my experience they're devils. Very aggressive and unpredictable.

Convicts are also punks, I'd avoid them totally in a 40 gallon tank if you want other cichlids.

You could try Honduran Red Points instead of the convicts, they're much more colorful and a bit more mild tempered, but still not considered peaceful.

You'll want to look for medium sized tetras or barbs, preferably in large groups. Anything below 3 inches isn't safe with most medium to large sized cichlids. Especially if they're slim bodied. Try things like bleeding hearts, red eye tetras, black skirt tetras, buenos aires tetras, etc. The bigger the group the safer they are.
Okay ill look into hoduran red points.

My current stocking

1 Firemoutth
1 Honduran Red Point
2 Rainbow cichlids
6 bleeding hearts
Okay ill look into hoduran red points.

My current stocking

1 Firemoutth
1 Honduran Red Point
2 Rainbow cichlids
6 bleeding hearts
I don't have much experience with rainbow cichlids, but from what I hear they do best in groups of 6 or so. if it were me I'd stick with the HRP and FM and get 12 or so bleeding hearts and some compatible bottom dwellers.

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