Stocking Question


New Member
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Martinsville, IN
Alright, so I have a 55 gallon tank with two filters, aqueon 55 quietflow and aqueon 75/55 quietflow. I fishless cycled for a month and a half and my readings now are:

0 ammonia
0 nitrite
30-40 nitrate
77 degrees
7.8 ph

Right now I have 10 peppered Cory's and 8 harlequin rasbora and I've been throwing around some ideas about what to add next and just want some feedback to make sure everything would go well together and i wouldn't be over stocked.

So here is my proposed list I think.

10 peppered cory
8 harlequin rasbora
10 cherry barbs
2 angel fish
2 bolivian ram
1 bristlenose plec or clown plec, which ever I can find.

So do you guys think that's a good list as far as aggression issues and not overstocked? And for the angels and rams should I get 1 male and 1 female each if possible?

Seems good to me. :)
You could get a male and female but if they're not a proven pair you should get 5-6 angels/ rams and when you get a pair rehome the other ones.
Be sure to wait for the barbs and rasboras to be nice and big so the angels don't eat them. :)
Thanks man.

Anyone else have any opinions? Or kept some of these fish together before? I'm specifically worried about the angels and my schooling fish.

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