Stocking Numbers For Assassin Snails?


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Chatroom Moderator
Feb 4, 2014
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So I have a snail infestation in my 90 gallon planted tank and I'm going to get some assassin snails to deal with it but I have no idea how many I should get to clean up a 90 gallon tank?
It depends on how bad an infestation you have.
First thing to do is to cut down on feeding your fish. The main reason a pest-snail baby-boom occurs is because there's is plenty of food for them to feed on. Cut down on your feeding, and they won't reproduce as much. Remember that your fish are perfectly capable of going a week and more without food (they would do so in the wild regularly). I feed mine once a day, sometimes giving them a break of a day.
After that, pop in 2 or 3 assassins, they won't eliminate the problem overnight, but give it 3 or 4 months, and you will see a difference. And a small pile of empty snail shells.
Yeah I only feed my fish once a day but the 90 gallon is planted and the snails are feasting on my plants that's why they have go.
There's probably somewhere around 100 snails that need eaten so I figured I'd get 5 assassins and see how that works out.
Thanks for the reply :)

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