Stocking My Tank...


New Member
Mar 27, 2012
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So I have a fish tank, I don't know if its a 25 gallon or a 30 gallon (I'll have to ask my grandpa).

Anyway. Right now I have 5 female bettas (Had to take the sixth out because she was really upset), 3 cory cats, 3 silver-tipped tetras, and a pleco in it.

Is this over stocking it?
If its not, what kind of fish do I have room for?

Thanks for the help!
So I have a fish tank, I don't know if its a 25 gallon or a 30 gallon (I'll have to ask my grandpa).

Anyway. Right now I have 5 female bettas (Had to take the sixth out because she was really upset), 3 cory cats, 3 silver-tipped tetras, and a pleco in it.

Is this over stocking it?
If its not, what kind of fish do I have room for?

Thanks for the help!
Well i know what size the tank is because ive never heard of a 25 gallon tank but just for a tip NEVER KEEP BETTAS WITH OTHER BETTAS thell fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :no:
Female Bettas can be kept together as long as you keep them in a large enough group to prevent bullying..
Op find out what size tank it is then people will be able to help you with the stocking
You can keep female bettas together depending on their temperament. Because you have a relatively large tank, that shouldn't be a problem. Many people keep female bettas in a sorority tank. That's something that you will need to read up on though as it can be a fine balance between adding too few/too many/too soon. Which type of plec do you have? If it's a common plec then it'll outgrow that tank very quickly, so it would be best to rehome him.

As for the corys and tetras. You should up those group numbers to around 5-6 for now as they like to shoal.
I'm not sure about my pleco. He's as big as the tank. We put him in my moms 75 gallon with her other 2 plecos and he was tiny compared to him.

I'll get all this info from my grandpa, because he gave me the tank and the pleco.

I was told that a group of 3 cory cats would do well, but If needed I can go get a few more of them. I can also get a few more silve tips too.

I've kept female bettas in a sorority before. 2 of my females in the tank now are from a previous, less successful sorority.

So I have a fish tank, I don't know if its a 25 gallon or a 30 gallon (I'll have to ask my grandpa).

Anyway. Right now I have 5 female bettas (Had to take the sixth out because she was really upset), 3 cory cats, 3 silver-tipped tetras, and a pleco in it.

Is this over stocking it?
If its not, what kind of fish do I have room for?

Thanks for the help!
Well i know what size the tank is because ive never heard of a 25 gallon tank but just for a tip NEVER KEEP BETTAS WITH OTHER BETTAS thell fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :no:

A) There is such a thing as a 25 gallon
B) Female bettas can be kept together. I've been keeping bettas fro the past 4-5 years and so far 2 of my 3 sororities have been successful. I know what I'm doing as far as my bettas.

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