Stocking My New 50 Gallon Tank - What Will Work


Fish Crazy
Sep 1, 2011
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I will set the tank up this weekend, and start the cycling.
Meantime, I have been browsing at various lfs, to try and come up with a group of fish for the tank.  Note:  I prefer a community tank, smaller fish with lots of them!
So this is a list (the A list ha ha) of what I am thinking about:
- gold white cloud
- harlequin rasbora
- serpae tetra
- Copeland's tetra
- rummy nose tetra
- silver molly
- Siamese algae eater
- mystery snail / apple snail
- dwarf flame gourami
The store I was in this morning had small Angel fish.  The staff claim I can get some and keep them 10 to 14 years before they outgrow my 50 gallon tank. 
From what I can tell, the gourami and the rasboras won't work in the same tank, so the list is just a starting point.  Ideas and suggestions for refining the list welcome!  I have about 4 weeks before I actually add fish, I am in no rush.
Do you mean all of these fish? Imagine not but I just want to check
I'm just going to run down your list and give my thoughts on them (not many thoughts since I've only had the rummies!)
I'll put links for some information as well.
As you know I'm not the best with stocking numbers so someone else will need to help there..
White clouds are temperate so don't fit in with the rest of the fishies, unfortunately.
Harlequin rasboras are lovely, I definitely want some one day.
Serpae tetras have a reputation for being nippy.
Copeland tetra..I can't find any info on this one really except I think the scientific name is hyphessobrycon copelandi? Sorry

Rummynose tetra are beautiful and keep a very tight school. Think the ones we get nowadays are bleheri and not rhodostomus so am putting both links..BLEHERI.
Mollies are livebearers so you'll want to get a male unless you want lots of fry (they can store sperm for up to 6 months IIRC so even if you dont purchase a male it'll likely come preggers from the shop)
SAE get big and should be kept in groups. They're cute though. According to SF your tank wouldn't be wide enough :c
Perhaps have a look at otocinclus once your tank is mature (running 6+ months)
Dwarf gourami look lovely but can be prone to dwarf gourami disease. Also has a reputation for being mean.
Have you seen honey gourami? Considered much more peaceful that the dwarf.
Mystery snails are so fun & come in a variety of colors. Make sure you throw in some algae wafers a few times a week for it. :)
..I think I went a bit link crazy 
 They're all from SF as that's my favorite site to use. It's good to look at information from all sites though.
LOL no I do not mean I will have some of each of these!  Just trying to put together a selection.
I had 5 otos in my current tank,  As of today I have ONE.  I did find one body today, the others, no clue.  I've read they are tough to keep, and I never had them prior to this.  Don't think I'll go with them in the large tank!
Ho hum.  I went to RI Aquarium and Pet Center this morning, and the list I started above is what staff there suggested!
Freedom said:
LOL no I do not mean I will have some of each of these!  Just trying to put together a selection.
I had 5 otos in my current tank,  As of today I have ONE.  I did find one body today, the others, no clue.  I've read they are tough to keep, and I never had them prior to this.  Don't think I'll go with them in the large tank!
Ho hum.  I went to RI Aquarium and Pet Center this morning, and the list I started above is what staff there suggested!
If you havn't already, maybe look up vids on youtube of each to see which one you like the looks of more/their movements and such.
I totally forgot you have otos in the other tank! I was just recommending them cause they sort of look like mini SAEs to me :p
That's funny they suggested the same fish..I quite like the list just I'm not you so don't know what you like. D:
Do you like khuli loaches or cories?
Ninjouzata said:
That's funny they suggested the same fish..I quite like the list just I'm not you so don't know what you like. D:
Do you like khuli loaches or cories?


They suggested the "A" list, which you have been pulling apart, lol.
Kuhlis look like worms, ick.  Cories, hmm. Just pulld up some pics, the Elegans Cory looks like a dalmation, I could do that!
The only things i can add is don't get the chinese algae eaters, and angles can be very delicate and die unexpectedly. Other than that i have no experience with schooling fish haha. 
I wasn't trying to pull it apart, just give you info on it :lol: The only thing that wouldn't work I think is the SAE.
I was just giving you info on the others in case you wanted to read on them :)
You don't have any bottom dwellers is why I asked about khuli loaches or cories. They'll want sand as substrate though.
New list:
- Rummy nose tetra - bleheri - at least 6
- Cardinal tetra - 8 to 10
- Elegans Cory - at least 6
- lambchop rasbora, or harlequin rasbora if can't find lambchop - 8 to 10
- snail (s)
- gourami - honey, 4 to 6
Now I just need to narrow it down to about 40 fish!
I like that 'serious fish' site, Nin, thanks!
That sounds good to me. Just try to get 1 male gourami & the rest female. Or all female. :) Glad you like that site! It's fun to read on.

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