Stocking, How Much More And What?


New Member
Feb 24, 2013
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I have got a fluval vincenza 180 litres. So far in it I have got:-
9 neon tetra
4 orange platy
6 penguin tetra
3 hexazon barb
6 shrimps
Just wondering what else I could put in there
My husband likes the fish that suck on the glass and look stick (can't you tell I'm a novice)
I love silver dollars but I don't think they are a good idea with what I have got are they?
Aside from that, what else can I get, I don't want to overstock but want the tank to look smashing 
Otocinclus are the species you are referencing, I believe. They are dwarf sucking catfish, and are really excellent additions to the cycled, mature tank.
If you are looking to add more to your tank, I would first add more penguin tetras. Then, assuming all goes well, could add six otos, perhaps, or get a good school of corydoras catfish for your lower level. I would recommend pygmy cories, as you can have a fairly large number of them in your size tank. I would remove the barbs though, to complete the other schools. 
I would do the final stocking like this:
10 neon tetras
4 platy
10 penguin tetra
Shrimp, cherry red
6 otocinclus/10 pygmy corydoras
Thank you, it's nice to get an objective view on things, I have been recommended Otocinclus by another member who I am messaging, so that is brilliant.
I am in permanent state of excitement, plus I am really pleased to hear that my LFS has the same opinions as people on this site

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