Stocking For A 46L/10G Fluval Edge


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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My mother took the advice of the LFS guy and bought this tank along with 2 angelfish and 2 yoyo loaches. I've managed to convince her that neither of these fish are appropriate and they're currently in my 200l until I have time to take them back to the LFS.  
So what fish and what numbers would be appropriate for this tank?
*cycling won't be an issue, I've already seeded it with media from my other tanks and been feeding it ammonia the last few days.
Is your mum's water hard or soft?
It's really hard water. Can't give you an accurate measurement at the moment.
Oh and I would like to mention that if she could get bottom dwellers as well as top dwellers she'd be happy.
The obvious choices that spring to mind, for this tank and hard water, would be guppies or Endlers and shrimps or snails.

There aren't many small bottom dwellers, and none that I can think of that would do well in very hard water.
My mother hates guppies and refuses to even consider them. I may get her to look into endlers though.
If you can find them dwarf emerald or celestial pearl danios would be ideal, although they're quite shy, IME.

There's also glowlight danios (not nearly as fast or far swimming as zebra danios); I had some in a 40 cm cube and they were perfectly happy (as far as it's possible to tell, of course!).
endlers chilli rasbora emerald rasbora lambchop rasbora ricefish celestial pearl danios green neon rasbora neon tetra a group of 8 of these would work fine although most of them you will have to order in also dwarf corydoras for bottom feeders a group of 6 of them will work well pygmaes and hastatus will act half the time like tetra and half the time like corydoras habrosus will act purely like a corydoras a group of 6 of these would work well along with the 8 of the first ones honestly ive got to say your mum has a point guppys i finf to be over active and constantly towards the top of the tank oh p.s khuli loaches would work as a bottom feeder and are exttremely entertaining
I've talked to the LFS and they've said that they'll take a look into getting a couple of these fish for me. Thanks ^^

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