Stocking Advice


Mostly New Member
May 29, 2014
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Hello guys, I am just looking for some stocking advice. I have a 40 gallon tank with 6 rosy barbs in there, however I am thinking of getting more fish. What types of fish would look good and/or work? The tank is 2 weeks old.
Thanks, homgra
homgra said:
Hello guys, I am just looking for some stocking advice. I have a 40 gallon tank with 6 rosy barbs in there, however I am thinking of getting more fish. What types of fish would look good and/or work? The tank is 2 weeks old.
Thanks, homgra
What kind of substrate are you using?
If you have a soft substrate I highly recommend a school of cory cats. They're a total riot!
From googling it appears there's a great deal of success stories of keeping cory cats & rosy barbs.
I'm no expert so you might want to get more opinions :D
Ciddire said:
Hello guys, I am just looking for some stocking advice. I have a 40 gallon tank with 6 rosy barbs in there, however I am thinking of getting more fish. What types of fish would look good and/or work? The tank is 2 weeks old.
Thanks, homgra
What kind of substrate are you using?
If you have a soft substrate I highly recommend a school of cory cats. They're a total riot!
From googling it appears there's a great deal of success stories of keeping cory cats & rosy barbs.
I'm no expert so you might want to get more opinions

Unfortunately I am using aquarium gravel, but corys are pretty cool.
Can I just check, when you say the tank is 2 weeks old, is that you bought the tank two weeks ago, and filled it with water and some fish, or you have cycled the filter with bottled ammonia for a period of a few weeks, and when it was ready, two weeks ago, you put some fish in?
I did not cycle my tank before adding the rosy barbs, the tank has had water in it for two weeks, didnt cycle beforehand lol
I"m really new here but I cycled before adding fish and then I made the mistake of washing the filter etc in tap water. I already had the fish at that point.
Basically you have to test the water everyday and make sure ammonia and nitrite are ok. If they are showing other than zero, do a water change.
My fish survived the process thank goodness :D
As for the stocking advice...I myself have no idea how many fish i can have in a tank so I'll leave another member to comment.
Good luck :D
As your tank hasn't been cycled, you need to make sure it is before you think about adding any more fish!
You will need to buy test kits for ammonia and nitrite at the very least, and preferably nitrate and pH as well. Make sure you get liquid or tablet based ones, not the paper strip kind.
As others have said, you'll need to complete a fish-in cycle. The last link in my signature should help you work through this.

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