Stocking A 55g, Need Some Suggesitons


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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What so you think about this? This tank has been running for a year and a half. The water is perfect and I wold be adding the fish in all at once but in groups over a month or so period. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments please do. Thanks!!! The tank is heavy planted and has 3 large pieces of driftwood. I was also wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a school of about 6 or 7 tetras that would add great color to the tank.


Maybe like 14 black phantoms

10 corys

8 hachetfish

4 Rams

7 ottos

a small school of about 10 tetras- need some suggestions on a tetra that will add a lot of color to the tank.
are you just posting this everywhere to get more responses?

Pertty much.....I really want the best possible stocking for my tank. I want my fish to be healthy and happy.

but this is my final stocking and I would like to know what you think about it. Should I add something or take away something.

10 balck phantoms

7 harlequin rasboras

7 corys

4 ottos

3 rams

5 hachetfish
try posting this in the beginer question section and tropical chit chat... I'm praying that a mod deletes all of your posts of this that aren't in those sections because this is just spamming on the site...

4 rams like I've said in the other threads of this... 1 m to 3 f...

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