Fish Fanatic
Was considering starting another 20gallon aquarium since I recently came into some funds and really enjoy my current 20gallon I think taking on the responsibility of another would be awesome since I can keep up so well with my current one.
Oh And I'd run two hagen's on it thinking 2 30g filters like I'm going to do with my current.
My stocking idea would be
1 male betta or gourami
7 harlequin rasbora
6 pgymy corydora
2-3 african dwarf frogs.
Also I would set up maybe an Island
I'm thinking using eco complete as my center and some type of nice earthy brown sand as the surroundings
With lots of wisteria and java fern, also doing a java moss wall along the entire back also a nice river rock barrier keeping the island of eco complete in the center.
Also covering the top with some frog bit... or water lettuce trying to avoid duck weed... if possible since it likes to get tossed around in the aquarium. (Unless someone knows a way around that)
Then sticking about 8 to 12 onion plants along both sides of the aquarium so they will drape over the top (Hopefully figure 4-6 on both side walls)
(Also I already know about cycling it isn't a question of that just about the stocking option)
This sound good? Or am I over stocking
Oh And I'd run two hagen's on it thinking 2 30g filters like I'm going to do with my current.
My stocking idea would be
1 male betta or gourami
7 harlequin rasbora
6 pgymy corydora
2-3 african dwarf frogs.
Also I would set up maybe an Island
I'm thinking using eco complete as my center and some type of nice earthy brown sand as the surroundings
With lots of wisteria and java fern, also doing a java moss wall along the entire back also a nice river rock barrier keeping the island of eco complete in the center.
Also covering the top with some frog bit... or water lettuce trying to avoid duck weed... if possible since it likes to get tossed around in the aquarium. (Unless someone knows a way around that)
Then sticking about 8 to 12 onion plants along both sides of the aquarium so they will drape over the top (Hopefully figure 4-6 on both side walls)
(Also I already know about cycling it isn't a question of that just about the stocking option)
This sound good? Or am I over stocking