Stocking 20 Gallon Tank Revisted


Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Water Analysis
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
pH: 6.5
Temp 75-79 F
Alkalinity: 80
Hardness: 75
Chlorine: 0
I am replacing my black gravel with Eco-Complete (for my DHG) and from what ive heard this is ok for my stocking plans (loaches)
6 loaches
6 neon tetra 
6 endlers live bearers
How many of EACH species could I get in addition?
I want more endlers then neon tetra if possible
Also, I could upgrade to a 30 gallon filter if need be and ik how do that.
What kind of loaches are you thinking about?
depends on what kind of loach you want, i would recommend going for otos, gives the same feel without getting into large species.. just have to have a very mature tank with algae and ween them to shrimp pellets.
if you are planting it with live plants (wouldn't see why not with the substrate your picked)
the i would do:
5 cloud tetra
5 neon tetra
3 otos
beta or a pair of powder blue gourami. (or a smaller breed of fish that can be a show fish for the tank)
*** and you shouldn't have any ammonia, doesn't look like you cycled your tank. you should be having some nitrite.. 
Ik my tank had too many fish so im cycling after i switch substrate
I want black khuli loaches thats why i was shooting for 6

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