Stock Planning


New Member
Jun 22, 2013
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Hey all,
Just wondering what some good examples of a community tank of tropical fish would be, tank size is 300L. The tank would also have some plants
Thanks in advance
It really depends on what fish you like most.  That's a nice size tank at around 75-80 gallons right?  You options are many.  Do you want a lot of little fish or a few larger ones?  If the tank was mine I'd do the same stocking I have in my signature but increase the numbers of each:  I'd have 4 Pearl Gouramis, 1 male 3 female.  I'd have 3 Three Spot Gouramis, 1 male 2 female.  I'd raise the number of Glass Catfish from 7 to 15 or so, and raise the number of Cherry Barbs to 10.
I work at a specialist  LFS so i pretty much have access to most things. I'll go into work today and have a look around - but i was thinking some angels, golden rams (breeding pair i currently have in my 10gal), school of priscilla tetras, school of black tetras and then something else. Ill have a look around - its going in my kitchen so i am willing to spend money on good quality fish
EDIT: I would also have an array of suckers and plecos

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