Stock Help


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
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Hi there.
I would like some advice on stocking my tank to morrow.
I placed a order this week @ lfs but to day he phoned and said that he cannot bring the fish due to hospital visits let down as waited in all day.
Here are my filter stats and tank
Tank: 100 gallon with T5's lighting
2 fluval exsternal 406
5000 litre per hour trickle filter
700 litre per hour aqua one internal.
Test Results
Ammonia 0
Ph 7.4
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Its my Birthday sunday & i am thinking of treating my self to new stock.
Do you think this will work ok?.
10 Female guppys & 5 Male Guppys
6 Female balloon mollys and 2 male balloon mollys
6 female mollys and 2 male mollys
10 Small neon tetras.
100 gallon tank, theres 10 fish in there of tetras and congo tetras
I am going to have a go at bringing some fry up as never had fry before.
Personally, I'm not a fan of mixing mollys with tetras, as they require very different water.  Tetras do best with soft, acidic water.  Mollys REQUIRE hard water and alkaline pH.  Mollys don't require salt as some say, but in soft water, they will be very susceptible to disease. I'd add also that balloons are also less hardy than the regular mollys.

BTW, Happy birthday.   I'd also suggest you not add all the fish you are mentioning at once.  Too large an increase to the bioload too quickly.
I agree ^^
You have chosen fish that prefer different ends of the pH scale.
Considering you already have tetra's in your tank, why not stick to varieties of them, and maybe a pair of Angels? They will look quite nice as a center piece in a tank that size.
What Tetra's do you already have in there aside from the Congo's? Perhaps you can up the numbers of these groups as well. 
Would love to see some pics of this tank!?

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