Starting A New 30 Gallon Tank


New Member
Jun 15, 2011
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So my girlfriend just got me a new 30 gallon tank and I'm really looking forward to getting started working on it I'm just unsure of the direction id like to go. I'd like to have either Tiger Barbs or Angel Fish as the "Main attraction" to the tank with some other assorted fish to fill in. I'd also like for this to be my first attempt at a planted tank. The tank itself is 30.2 in W x 12 in D x 18.7 in H. So my questions to the community are as follows:
  • Since I don't have much experience with either of these fish what are some good tank mates to go with them as well as how many of them could i put into the tank without causing problems?
  • What are some good resilient starter plants to get a good aquascape going?
I appreciate all the help/suggestions in advance.
Ok first off remember to cycle your tank, if you don't know how to do a fish less cycle there's a great beginners resource center on this forum. Please, don't make the mistake soooooo many people do and get fish like tiger barbs which aren't compatible with many other different forums, ask for ideas, etc. About fish until you're POSITIVE about which fish you want. Although tiger barbs are awesome, you could be stuck with them how ever many years they live, and not be able to house the fish you all means though, go for tiger barbs, just make sure that's what you really want. I guess you could return your fish, but it's kind of a heartless thing to do if you don't know who the fish are going to, and what type of conditions they'll be going to.

To start, I would personally look at some fish that are somewhat more compatible than tiger barbs.
For example, something like a school of corycats is a great idea.
Or, another peaceful bottom feeder would be kuhli loaches, which would be perfect for your tank size.
Apistogrammas (a pair, semi agressive)
Bolivian ram (again semi agressive, stay away from German blue rams)
Cardinal tetras, you could have a nice school of about 10-12 in a 30 and leave room for much more
Rummy nose tetras (same as cardinals)
Most types of gouramis are peaceful/semi agressive

If you're in to the really colorful fish have a look at peacock gudgeons, or my favorite scarlet badis. I'm not sure if you could really call them a "schooling" fish, but they do need others of their own species and 5-6 would be great for a 30.

If you want a "2 species" tank you could fit 6 dwarf puffers and maybe 6-8 otocinclus.

Shrimp tank with small peaceful fish like cardinal tetras and celestial pearl danios

Just a few ideas :)
thanks for the info... I won't be adding any fish into the tank until the planting and cycling is done. Also i know i want either tiger barbs or angel fish so i would like to find good tank mates for them as well as some good ideas for some hardy plants to add to the tank. 
Tiger barbs can destroy plants....a nice big starter plant are amazon swords, a few of those and your tank is full of plant in no time. For the lower section crypts, anubias, java fern, java moss, and hair grass are easy plants. Other easy plants are cabomba, water wisteria, ludwigia, and dwarf sag.
I would suggest that dwarf puffers are a bad suggestion, especially if you are planning to keep angel fish. They are notorious fin nippers.
After More Consideration im looking at either a pair of angelfish with some other community fish or a school of tiger barbs (5-7) with some other fish will i have enough room in the thank to house this many fish?
the_lock_man said:
I would suggest that dwarf puffers are a bad suggestion, especially if you are planning to keep angel fish. They are notorious fin nippers.
He hasn't actually got his fish yet, I was more suggesting a "2 species" tank where those would be the only fish.

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