Soppy Fool With My Apistogramma Cacatuoides


Fish Herder
Aug 7, 2011
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I was in LFS this morning and i fell in love with a pair of taeniatus kribensis, but i have a single female Apistogramma Cacatuoides so they said i could re home her
with them, this is the soppy old fool bit when i got home to catch her she sat looking at me with puppy dog eyes and i did not have the hart to give her up
so i rang QSS in bradford up to see if they had any males going so i could give her a mate.

now to the male and female bit i took a photo so i could be sure i had a female and to my shock i was told i had a male so it looks like i may have had 2 males and one female
any way i have only one now

this is how the fish looked when they sold me her as a female


and now after 6 months and a 20mins game of hide and seek to get some photos she looks like this, normally abit darker when the camera is not in her face

PHOTOS EDIT: just taken a few better ones



so my question is what is she????
and after looking around told tinternet im guessing male......
right got this from LFS QSS as a female she had a very yellow body in there tank so fingers crossed


been floating her for a few hrs now and ive just released her in to the tank
so far my observations of them both has seen this behaviour

firstly shy then curiosity to hello who are you, at the moment there together and males behaviour
is fins up, curling of the body while flicking/jerking movements, is this good?

no sign of nipping of chasing off, get out this is my territory chasing behaviour i guess that's good
Love these apisto's.
Cannot ID the sexes myself though but they're both very nice.
I am actually a little frustrated here. I can't get good quality apistos here. The ones available had almost no coloring even after a few weeks. JUst slight markings on there tails. Its not fair!!

The ones you are getting are lovely!
Any Idea what be bending of the body behaviour is
Is it showing off to the female??
I am actually a little frustrated here. I can't get good quality apistos here. The ones available had almost no coloring even after a few weeks. JUst slight markings on there tails. Its not fair!!

The ones you are getting are lovely!

you can see though from the first photo and then 6 month later there is a big difference in colour and markings
if i did not know better i would have said they were different fish lol but there not....
It's sounds like your male is courting your female. Once she turns bright yellow again they'll be breeding.
Cannot find her this morning maybe she is playing hard to get lol....
Now he has a mate his colours have really darkened up and come out here's a today photo sorry it's not from the DSLR camera it from my phone....


Here's the female

I was in LFS this morning and i fell in love with a pair of taeniatus kribensis, but i have a single female Apistogramma Cacatuoides so they said i could re home her
with them, this is the soppy old fool bit when i got home to catch her she sat looking at me with puppy dog eyes and i did not have the hart to give her up
so i rang QSS in bradford up to see if they had any males going so i could give her a mate.

now to the male and female bit i took a photo so i could be sure i had a female and to my shock i was told i had a male so it looks like i may have had 2 males and one female
any way i have only one now

this is how the fish looked when they sold me her as a female


and now after 6 months and a 20mins game of hide and seek to get some photos she looks like this, normally abit darker when the camera is not in her face

PHOTOS EDIT: just taken a few better ones



so my question is what is she????
and after looking around told tinternet im guessing male......

In the first pic it is apparant that it's a male if you know what you're looking for. Apisto's are well known to disguise themselves as the opposite sex to avoid agression in a tank, as you said she looked female and was diagnosed as female at the LFS but I bet there was quite a few in the tank with 'her'!? Anyway, what you should look at are the dorsal fins - the first three prongs are most definately larger and indicate therefore it is and always has been a male - a very beautiful one at that too :good: You should get some good fry

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