I was in LFS this morning and i fell in love with a pair of taeniatus kribensis, but i have a single female Apistogramma Cacatuoides so they said i could re home her
with them, this is the soppy old fool bit when i got home to catch her she sat looking at me with puppy dog eyes and i did not have the hart to give her up
so i rang QSS in bradford up to see if they had any males going so i could give her a mate.
now to the male and female bit i took a photo so i could be sure i had a female and to my shock i was told i had a male so it looks like i may have had 2 males and one female
any way i have only one now
this is how the fish looked when they sold me her as a female
and now after 6 months and a 20mins game of hide and seek to get some photos she looks like this, normally abit darker when the camera is not in her face
PHOTOS EDIT: just taken a few better ones
so my question is what is she
and after looking around told tinternet im guessing male......
with them, this is the soppy old fool bit when i got home to catch her she sat looking at me with puppy dog eyes and i did not have the hart to give her up
so i rang QSS in bradford up to see if they had any males going so i could give her a mate.
now to the male and female bit i took a photo so i could be sure i had a female and to my shock i was told i had a male so it looks like i may have had 2 males and one female
any way i have only one now
this is how the fish looked when they sold me her as a female

and now after 6 months and a 20mins game of hide and seek to get some photos she looks like this, normally abit darker when the camera is not in her face
PHOTOS EDIT: just taken a few better ones

so my question is what is she

and after looking around told tinternet im guessing male......