Something Is Going On


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I am sure there is some mass something going on in my community tank (20g).  I am just at a loss for what it could be.
No concern in water testing... despite that I have upped my water changes in hopes that would do something... I have tried fasting in case there is some digestive/bloating something going on... no luck... I have tried anti-internal bacteria meds... no help.
Here is the thing....
1 guppy has something swim bladder related.... she used to just sleep at a funny angle, but now it is in her normal swimming too and she hovers in places a lot... not at the top of water, but like under a leaf or in random places.
1 coral blue juvenile platy was doing that at the beginning of the medication treatment but now is back to being normal.
2 guppies are sort of hiding and hovering in places, again not at the top of the water, usually in or around plants.
1 platy (Gwen) has been hiding for days now and sits at the bottom of the tank... this is normally where she hides when I look in (which is a normal reaction for her)... but instead of it being just when I look it is all the time except when I feed them.
1 guppy (my oldest, as in about 2 1/2 years old) is very "floaty", easily blown around by the current... I've thought she was dieing for months now from old age.... still there.
My neons have been getting euthanized 1 per month for NTD... now they tend to group together in a corner... maybe due to the drop in numbers with time or something else?
SURELY all that points to something?
That leaves me with a few juvenile platies that are perfect ok and 1 guppy that is its normal self (though curved spine that I am sure is due to malnutrition during growing... this one was so thin it looked sick when I got it... it grew this way as I feed it a normal diet).
None of my fish appear to be lethargic despite any hovering or hiding.  No clamping, no spots, all good color, good scales, good fins, no markings, normal eating and pooping.
Now..... surely it isn't my tap water as I have my betta in the other tank and he is doing awesomely well!!
If it's an older tank I've found that changing out the substrate with new works to solve the issue. It's a way to push passed old tank syndrome.
If it's a newer tank then I would need to know more about it to hazzard a guess.
Well... it is maybe half and half.  It has been running just over a year... started with half mature media.  Then a few months later I had a disaster that wiped out my fish... started again with mature media... then sand... then hated sand then changed to this current gravel.... so... the gravel itself isn't really all that old.
That doesn't sound like the issue. With older tanks, even when we are careful to vacuum out the gravel it eventually reaches a saturation point which can affect the quality of the water but in your tank it sounds like you have already changed it out. Unless you very heavily fed I doubt it would go so quickly.
Has anything changed recently?
The only things I can think of is that before I bought my betta I brought over the juvenile platies from the other tank.  I recently had a small (less than 1 cm in size) assassin snail crawl into the tiny filter (which I keep running in there should I ever need it for a quarantine tank... mine broke) and get jammed in the impellor and I didn't notice for a day or so.  Otherwise... nothing has changed.
Those are minor issues, even for a tank as small as 20 gallons unless the transfers hosted a pathogen the other fish had not developed an immunity to.
Yeah, I didn't think those would be it.
One of my juvenile platies had got almost all the guppies out and moving against their will, only my one remaining adult platy stays in hiding. The largest juvenile platy seems to be taking the opportunity to assert her dominance and peck at everyone bigger than her.
Any ideas what these symptoms could be for?  I would expect if they had them they'd have more symptoms to point me in the right direction.  :/
Actual hiding is  usually an aquascaping issue or tankmate issue. They are either lacking in territorial dividers where they feel safe or have tank mates that share the same territory and want it for themselves. I run into this often and sometimes it requires I change a few things around in the tank or add a few tall plants if there aren't any.
Where my largest platy is hiding is the most heavily planted place.  Thing is though... she is the biggest fish and quite bossy... until she has gone into hiding and only just today little clone baby is asserting herself.
But... assuming she is now upset and hiding as a territorial thing... then what is up with my guppies?
I would guess the same thing is wrong with them.
Of's hard to tell without actually laying eyes on the tank. This is where a video would help greatly.
I will do that tomorrow... though... they might all greet me instead of doing what they do the rest of the time!  All but the hiding platy who won't be visible at all.
Yes...the fish are out to get you! ;)
As luck would have it... my family just popped out so I made a few videos... it doesn't show exactly what is going on though.  Such as the one with the orange tail has the swim bladder issues but in these videos she seems fine and I promise she isn't.... the little platy and me looking has her moving enough for it not to show.
I am posting the links but they are still processing as I post so might take a few minutes to become visible.
This is my initial video where they are excited to see me BUT my oldest guppy does get blown onto her nose
They are relaxing and a bit more like normal but not quite... guppy with the black and white tail starts to hover and the neons are hovering in their corner.
This is the platy that is always hiding and sitting at the bottom... she came out briefly to make sure she isn't missing food.
A bit more how they tend to hover in random places.
Try lowering the flow in the tank for a little while, a couple of weeks at least and see if their behavior changes afterward.

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