Something About Chat


Jan 8, 2014
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When chat is busy it's really hard for me to keep up if anyone as replied to me/is asking me something. I was wondering if there is somehow a way for when someone puts your username it high lights it for you or grabs your attention in some way. I am in no way tech savvy so idk if this would be too difficult to enact but there was another chat room I use to go one and it would highlight it for you and a red number would start blinking if you were in another tab to let you know you were being contacted directly and it was super nifty. Like I said, idk if this is too difficult to do but I am just throwing it out there. 
i agree. It's pretty difficult to know who's talking to who... Any ideas???
Yes, but this site does not want to implement them. Usually a one on one conversation in a chat is done via private chat. Some chats allow one to create new chat rooms and use these. This beats the PM route since it allows more than two people to participate.
yes altho that would be nice, i have a funny feeling because the chat feature is a add on to IP.Board there is limitations to what Tcamos can add, and most likely a feature like that won't be programmed into the system. we shall see what Tcamos comes back with but don't get your hopes up :D, in other chat rooms there is also a feature I've seen where if u hover over a name it highlights the that name in all posts on your screen, but i know IP boards can't do that 
Z's right, it's an add-on program. I included it with the board as a social hall of sorts. It's just meant for friendly banter. If you have fish talk that really requires some intense focus the board is the place for that discussion. 
If the questions is "how was your weekend?" I recommend the chat room but if it's "what plants do well normally plant eating fish?" then the board is your place.
I understand. Its just that there can be so many conventions going on it can get difficult to follow whoes replying to who (or is it whom???)

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