Someone Id A Hillstream Loach, Please


Smart Homes System Specialist
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 16, 2010
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IMAG0149 (258x300) (2).jpg
This. I'm thinking it's a sewellia lineolata but does anyone know any different?
Oh wow. I haven't any idea what species is, so I can offer no help, but that is a gorgeous fish! I've been looking at hill streams for a while now. I don't see myself having a proper set up in the near future, but I'm happy to look at other people's beauties!
the_lock_man said:
IMAG0149 (258x300) (2).jpg
This. I'm thinking it's a sewellia lineolata but does anyone know any different?
This is what says about that particular species:
The spots on your fish seem a little bigger than the ones in their pictures, but that's not always the best way to ID a species (based on my experience with corydoras). I can't confirm it, but you seem to be right, with the caveat I mentioned.
Cheers, EA. There is a chap on another forum (not aquatic) who is looking to upgrade his 110l tank to African Cichlids, and wants shot of his remaining stock. I have advised him to join up here. I have only seen S.Lineolatus in my LFSs recently, and I know that this fish is local to me.
This is the only one of his fish that I'm interested in, but I'm torn, because my tank is really not the best, ie it's not got the current and it's too warm, really. However, I did have a couple of Gastromyzin Ctenocephalus a while back, and really liked them.
Then I did read that Sewellia spp. can be a bit boisterous, compared with Gastromyzin.
Dunno what to do.
the_lock_man said:
Dunno what to do.
Yes, you do.

If your tank isn't properly set-up for them, and you have reservations of adding him, the best thing for you is to let it pass to someone else.

If there's no one else to take this little fella on, then you have a harder decision. But, if its just your concerns, you know the right move. It's just not an easy choice to make, as we are all addicted to 'new' species.
Thanks, Mom.....

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